Seminar S1

Volumetric metering of fluids using metering pumps

The seminar is intended for engineers and technicians who operate and do the planning of LEWA metering pumps.


Basics of metering fluids using metering pumps

  • Introduction into the metering technique using pumps
  • Properties and characteristic curves of metering pumps
  • Metering accuracy, reliability and power requirements

Designs and different types of metering and process pumps

  • Modular system
  • Drive elements, drives, stroke actuators
  • Pump heads and their operating elements
  • Triplex diaphragm pumps, laboratory pumps

Control technology for metering systems

  • Closed loop control
  • Sensoric
  • FIS Dialog; SPS; PC Control

Incorporation of metering pumps into the overall system

  • Plant characteristics, output characteristic of pumps
  • Co-operation between pump and plant pumps
  • Pressure pulsation in case of undercritical operation
  • Pressure shocks
  • Hydraulic oscillations in pipe lines, resonances,undercritical and overcritical operation
  • Examination of the operating data, NPSHvalues
  • Pulsation damping
  • Experimental demonstrations on test stands

Applications of metering pumps

  • Task of a metering pump in a whole system
  • Influences on the right pump sizing
  • Safe operation and monitoring
  • Examples of production systems

Company Tour


  • To know the basics mechanical and hydraulically rules of metering pumps
  • To know the evolution from a simple plunger pump up to latest diaphragm metering pumps
  • To be able to recognize the danger of resonance effects in pipe lines
  • To be able to fulfil maintenance and repair tasks referring to operating manual


Seminar S1
Language Start End Participation  
German 26.11.2019
09:00 hrs
14:00 hrs
Participation possible Register now


€ 600,- + 19 % VAT

Softdrinks during breaks and lunch are included in the services. LEWA invites you to dinner at the first seminar day.


Headquarters LEWA GmbH
Ulmer Str. 10
71229 Leonberg/Germany

On-site information and hotel recommendation

Utilize our hotel room contingents in one of both nearby hotels, we are happy to book a hotel room for you for the duration of your stay.

You will receive discounted room rates in the two nearby hotels:

Hotel Hirsch
Costs: 73,- to 98,- €  

Amber Hotel
Costs: 74,- to 104,- €

Contact person

  • Sales Office Hungary
  • LEWA NIKKISO Austria GmbH - Hungarian Representative
  • +36 23 880-975

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